Our team continuously strives to improve the happiness and comfort of our customers. We are in charge of understanding developers’ challenges in searching to improve their software security without sacrificing development time, which is quite limited!
That’s why we are working really hard every day to make our tool as useful as possible with our website vulnerability scanner that performs fully automated tests to identify security issues on your web application & networks.
Hackmetrix team is convinced that security can (and must!) be a part of the development process, without the necessity of paying a security expert, or spending late nights focused on security and thereby putting sprints at risk.
So, what’s new in Hackmetrix?
After our first versions utilized a “pay-per-use” model, we received a lot of users’ feedback requesting a SaaS and complaining about the non-user friendly PayPal interface. In response to this feedback, we have decided to turn our tool effectively to a SaaS, integrating the Stripe platform for payments.
Get a Free Plan
Together with the big change to SaaS, we are introducing a FREE plan, which comes with a free scan/IP per month!! Now you can check your site’s security status every month, Totally Free. Of course, if you need more, we also offer the PRO Plan, which comes with three scanners/IPs and more powerful tests only for USD $18 per month.
More friendly!
Ricardo, our new Head of UX & UI has been working exhaustively to enhance the user experience, understand and accompany our users through their experience in the platform, analyze the unclear points, and improve communications from our side.
Login more easily
For that reason, it is that we implemented Auth0 login system, giving you the possibility to enter the platform using your Google or GitHub account, making it more comfortable and quick.
More powerfull tests in less time
Whether you use Waterfall, Agile, or Conversational Development, you can spend less time analyzing vulnerabilities and more time creating. Now, our scanner is able to perform more than 500 tests in less than 2 hour per IP/URL.
We cover all the vulnerabilities listed in OWASP Top 10 . That means we find a wide variety of flaws, including SQL, LDAP, XPATH and NoSQL injections, Cross Site Scripting flaws, broken session management, remote code and command execution, malware, etc.
What do you expect to analyze your site and be more secure? Sign up for free.